Friday, April 13, 2012

Green and Zen

I believe taking some time out whenever possible to enjoy green space is a great source of enjoyment and calm. Enjoying an outdoor space is a great natural way to relieve stress. Here are some green moments of zen I have had recently:

This was the Allweather Landscape garden at Canada Blooms. I loved the way the trees were proportioned to the flower beds.

Here is Dr Landscape himself Tony Lombardi in his award winning garden Ethnography at Canada Blooms . Tony is a real talent in creating urban green space. Enjoy his work outside of the Summerhill liquor store. I have enjoyed a danish or macaron from Petite Thuet on many sunny days there.

Golden Gate Park is at least a full day of zen green moments, including the Japanese tea garden.
And Stowe Lake.

Enjoyed these plants on my way out of Golden Gate Park.

A great green spot for a zen moment can be found almost anywhere. It's a matter of taking a moment to take it all in and appreciate being there. Try taking in the beauty of a green setting by stopping and taking ten deep breaths the next time you pass by a spot that you like, you will feel good!

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